Todays Thought :

Anugraha Services

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Programme

Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) education is crucial for all communities living in disaster prone areas. DDR Education can have a catalytic effect to strengthen communities and reduce vulnerability. While education is crucial to reduce the risks faced by communities, approaches to disaster management have traditionally focused on top down and technology driven strategies. This trend is, however, changing. Increasing numbers of NGO’s, international organizations and government are acknowledging, advocating for, and actively engaging in the important work of disaster mitigation education. Anugraha had undertaken DDR programme in 10 extremely vulnerable (geographically, socially, economically and environmentally) panchayath wards in the district of Pathanamthitta to scale-up our long term recovery goals and move towards resilience.

Overall objective of this initiative was to capacitate and empower men, women, children, special groups and other categories of people who are residing in disaster prone area having little or no capacity to withstand untoward events through resilience building and disaster awareness programmes.  The DDR programme was useful for us to develop a participatory ward level Disaster Preparedness and Response plan, formation of Caritas Samaritans at the ward level, Disaster Task Forces and enlightened the local community about the urgency of having a disaster preparedness plan.  Disaster Risk Reduction Programme was found very effective to equip the local community better organised to face natural disasters and respond quickly to such instances. 

Community Based Organizations –Self-Help Groups
Anugraha Social Service Society from its inception promoting Self-Help Groups in its operational area to promote resourcefulness among the rural poor.  SHGs are offering a platform for the marginalized poor to save little by little in their groups and to avail credit from it to meet their varied needs.  Savings is much important for the poor, which help them to mobilize capital to meet their future exigencies or to start individual enterprises. Hassle free loan processing and sanction by the SHGs helps the poor to meet their credit needs without approaching the moneylenders. —- Self-Help Groups are functioning under the guidance of Anugraha Social Service Society. Community Organizers are providing effective facilitation to SHGs in managing the group resources.  Effective systems are developed and put into practice to ensure transparency in fund management which is much important for the sustainability of SHGs. Need based trainings are imparted to the SHG leaders to enhance their leadership & problem solving skills.  Members are given training in different employable skills with a view to help them to engage in production activities by availing credit from their groups.  Guidance and support is given to the SHG members to run their individual enterprises successfully and access market avenues to sell their products. Worthy groups are linked with banks and other financial institutions to avail credit to meet the credit needs of its members.  This year we have given stress in equipping the Self-Help Groups with community consciousness to stimulate them to involve in social and community spheres
Ashakiranam Cancer Care Programme.
High prevalence of cancer and cancer related deaths is a major concern for all in our operational area. Anugraha has been effective in conducting different programmes under Ashakiranam Cancer Care programme for the benefit of the general public. Primary focus of the programme is to help people recognize the early signs and symptoms of cancer, thus enabling them to seek treatment at an early stage. Educate people about the key risk factors, since more than 30% of cancer cases could be prevented by modifying lifestyle or avoiding the risk factors.
Programmes for Differently Abled.
Differently abled or disability is defined as limitation of a person’s ability to carry out the activities of daily living, to the extent that he or she may need help in doing so. Many of the disadvantaged are hidden from society – they shy away because a large section of the society shuns them. Social exclusion of persons with disabilities lies at the core of the problem often defining the path the people take and treated, to how they are perceived and treated. When people are stymied at every turn by social stigma it is difficult for those to survive in society. Anugraha Social Service Society has executed different programmes for the benefit of the differently abled. The organization gives priority to community based rehabilitation of the disabled persons which helps them to integrate well with the community and their families. Counselling and guidance service is provided to the parents of the differently abled children so that they are better equipped to handle their special child. Conducive family atmosphere is a must for the development of the differently abled person. Periodic family visits are undertaken by Anugraha staff to the families of differently abled children and suggest necessary environment modifications wherever it is needed. Families are supported to set up their own organic farming units to earn income for their families as well as engage the differently abled person in farming. Guidance and support is provided to the families to link with different government departments to get schemes for the disabled member in their families, which will improve the quality of their life.
Child Development Programmes
Every child is precious in God’s eyes and deserves quality and responsible care, and to be loved, nurtured, protected, and enabled to develop their full potential. Children should get good education that empowers them to realize their full potential and  have the opportunity to grow up to become a well-adjusted adult with a foundation in faith and good ethics, having received an education that enables him or her to be competent in life and to contribute positively to society. Anugraha Social Service Society organized different programmes for the benefit of the rural poor children in its operational area with a view to provide them greater avenues for their development. Two Career guidance programmes are organized for the high school students to guide them on matters of career opportunities. Career guidance is found helpful for the children to choose a career goal, planning and give a direction to students for a better future ahead. The career guidance programme was organized for the students who have completed their standard-X and XII studies. Resource persons explained in detail about different streams of study and its career prospective. They highlighted the importance of having self-awareness about their interest and chose a course accordingly.  We have observed that the career guidance programmes were beneficial for the students to clarify their doubts about careers and gather first-hand information about reputed educational institutions. Legal aid services are provided to the school students in our operational area. Anugraha had networked with District Child Rights Protection Council and conducted awareness programmes for the children about child rights and POSCO.  This has helped the children to have a better understanding about their rights and where to approach in case their rights are violated. Personality Development Programmes were conducted for the Children at different centres for the benefit of the selected school children. Personality development plays an essential role in improving one’s communication skills. Individuals ought to master the art of expressing their thoughts and feelings in the most desired way. Personality development Programmes organized by Anugraha Social Service Society has been well appreciated by the children and it has changed their attitude towards life.
Counselling Services
Family dynamics has changed considerably over the past few decades. Every family has its own beliefs and values and, within each family, there may be differences of opinions about a wide range of issues. Factors in lives can affect family relationships and, equally, family relationships can impact the rest of our lives. Our families absorb many of the stresses and strains from the outside world – and the pressures can sometimes boil over. Personal problems can overwhelm a family, so much so that it can feel as though there is no clear way forward.  There has been a spurt in the number of family maladjustments and family problems in the target area. It became utmost important for us to provide professional counselling and guidance service to these problematic families. Anugraha Social Service Society with the professional service of Fr.Johnson Parakal, M.S.W, M.Phil and Sr.Pavithra, M.S.W provided effective counselling services to the problematic families in our operational area. Families with adjustment problems are identified from the parish/centre and are persuaded to go for counselling therapy.  Counsellors analyse the family relationship, interpersonal relationships in the family and suggest ways to improve family relationships.  Environmental modifications are suggested depending upon the gravity of the problem.   Family visits are undertaken to have a better assessment of the situation and to suggest modifications/alterations. This year 10 area wise trainings on family relationship was organized for the benefit of the couples.
Anugraha Agricultural Nursery (Fauna and Flora)
Target group people of Anugraha Social Service Society are mainly farmers and agriculture is the main activity for them. Getting quality planting materials (saplings) is a major problem faced by the progressive farmers in the target area. Fauna and Flora-Agricultural Nursery at Omalloor was a great help for the farmers to get quality saplings of fruit trees and orchards at an affordable rate. We have taken extra effort to revamp the nursery which was badly hit by 2018 flood and by adding diverse varieties of saplings.
LIC – Jeevan Madhur Policy

Though there has been sluggishness in paying the premium by the Jeevan Madhur policyholders, Anugraha continues to service these policies in collaboration with Life Insurance Corporation of Indian.  Specified persons are motivated to persuade the policyholders to pay the premium regularly so that it will be beneficial for them. Area wise meetings of the policyholders are organized to gather their grievances and initiate proactive steps to ensure regular premium payment by the policyholders. Presently 786 policies are being serviced by our organization.  Necessary steps have been taken to settle the policy maturity and death benefit claim as quickly as possible.  

Anugraha Vidya Jyothi & Anugraha Kudumba jyothi
As the development wing of the diocese of Pathanamthitta, Anugraha Social Service Society was there at the forefront to develop innovative programs for the benefit of its target group people. The organization was able to develop and execute programs for the integrated development of the rural poor in its target area. The capacity of the organization to formulate schemes which are addressing the real need of the target group people is highly appreciated by all. Anugraha was able to introduce two new schemes as part of the 10th anniversary of the Pathanamthitta Diocese formation. Anugraha Vidya Jyothi- an educational scholarship program designed to assist bright children from economically poor families to pursue their school studies and change their destiny.  Anugraha Kudumba Jyothi- a family welfare program intended to assist families that are socio-economically backward to come up in life by taking up individual initiatives. For the successful execution of these two programs, we need to muster resources locally by promoting a giving community in our diocesan area. These two programs were officially launched on January 25, 2020, at St.Mary’s Auditorium, Vakayar by Most Rev.Samuvel Mar Ironious, Bishop of Pathanamthitta. Most Rev.Yoohanon Mar Chrysostom, Bishop Emeritus, Pathanamthitta and Mar Joseph Plampani, Auxiliary Bishop, Thalaseery were present for the program launching.
District Inter Agency Group (IAG)
Voluntary Organizations are doing a lot of work for the development of the society and are active at times of disasters.  Instead of working in isolated entities it will be more effective if organizations works together to address common issues/problems. It will be complementing each other and will help one to address larger issues. Inter-Agency Group is functioning quite systematically in Pathanamthitta district with the active involvement of 35 NGOs.  Fr.Varghese Chamakalayil, Director, Anugraha has been elected as convener of IAG, Pathanamthitta on August 21, 2019. Mr.P.B.Nooh, I.A.S, District Collector was present for the meeting and the meeting has finalized the way forward to increase inter agency cooperation to tackle common issues.
LEDP (Livelihood Enterprise Development Programme)
Enterprise by rural families is found as an effective tool to fight rural poverty.  Rural poor are engaged in diverse activities to fetch income for their families.  At the same time, rural poor are hesitating to start their own enterprises which will help them to earn a steady income.  Anugraha Social Service Society felt the need for promoting micro-enterprises among the marginalized people in its operational area. With the financial assistance of  NABARD  under its LEDP (Livelihood Enterprise Development Programme)  Scheme to conducted enterprise training for 150 farmers in four villages.  The activity selected for the Livelihood Enterprise Development Programme was beekeeping and honey production.